Monday, October 8, 2012

Monday Updates

Your first grader will be bringing home a large, orange scarecrow outline this afternoon.   Many thanks to Mrs. Fetters for spending half of her day in our room today and (painstakingly?!?!?) tracing and outlining 20 scarecrows for all of us!  Please check your child's home-school folder for more information about this project!

Wallah is our student of the week this week!  She presented all of her favorite things to us this morning and even brought in her favorite book which she read to the class!  We love learning so much more about our first grade friends.  Today we learned that Wallah wants to be a doctor when she grows up. 

Our word of the week is "amble- to walk slowly."  The first graders love the illustrations for this word which are a turtle and an old man with a walking stick.  We discussed how it is a verb because it is something we can do.  In fact, many of us give great examples of the word amble all day.  First graders like to amble to the bathroom... and amble to their backpacks...we never amble to recess though, which I can't quite figure out.  ;)

In SWR we introduced the new red word like .  The first graders are quite comfortable with this word already so we spent time practicing by, my and have again today.  We also introduced new letters, "g", "l", and "w".  We did a great job coming up with words that start and end in those letters.  Our word family this week is the "___ag" family.  We brainstormed many words that fit in that family- sag, bag, brag, drag, lag, gag, and dragon. 

In math we learned that a penny is worth 1 cent and we discussed the notations for cents.  To practice with this idea, we played a new game which required us to estimate.  We learned that estimating is making a likely guess.  We picked up a handful of pennies and had to estimate how many cents we had in our hands without counting them!  Our partner did the same thing.  Then, we counted and recorded each of our cents and circled the number that was greater.  

In writing today we learned how to take our story map and turn it into 4-5 complete sentences.  We turned a story map with the words:

kick a ball
(and) outside

into a 5 sentence story.  We noticed that most of our sentences had the word soccer in it, which made sense, because that's what our story was about!

At the end of the day we had another community member visit us to teach us all about their job.  Mr. Palmer came in to share with us about being a pilot!  He is a pilot for JetBlue as well as a pilot in the National Guard.  We were so impressed with his uniform and all of the instruments and tools he needs to do his job safely.  We learned that pilots, like nurses, doctors, police officers and firefighters, work at night too.  Pilots have night-vision goggles to help them see at night.  

We are so impressed with all of the talented and knowledgable community members we have right in our own classroom!  To make this visit even more special, Mr. Palmer brought his father, who is also a pilot, to our room as well!    

 Mr. Palmer shows us his helmet

 He even brought two controllers for us to see

 Colin starts to try the uniform on...

 He needed a little help with the heavy pants!

 We're getting closer to seeing the entire uniform...

 Even closer...

 Ready for combat!  Check out that visor!

 Ryan P. tried the helmet on next.

 The first graders loved looking through the visor

 Mr. Palmer suited up for us before he left.

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