Friday, October 5, 2012

Fun-filled Friday

Every Friday we have a school-wide morning meeting.  This is a very fun way to end our week together and we love being with all of our friends to start the day.  This also means that our Friday schedule is usually a little bit different from the rest of the week. 

We started our day with an exciting visit from a new group of community helpers- Firefighters!  They brought a truck that we were able to sit in, a full suit, and lots of information.  We asked many great questions today because we've been practicing the difference between a question and a comment.  Questions usually start with Who? What? Why? How? Where? When? (and sometimes, "Do?").  Comments are usually about ourselves and a personal connection we have to what we're learning about. 

 We all showed the firefighters that we know how to Stop! Drop! and Roll!"

 Connor demonstrated how to crawl out of a smoky room.

 And then we learned about all of the safety gear firefighters wear!

 Ta-da!  She looks amazing!

 The firefighter showed us how they search for people in a burning building.

 And then we all got to feel the uniform!

Right after our visit, we celebrated Ryan P.'s birthday!  He is 7 years old today and brought his mom, dad, Grandpa, Grandma and brownies to help him celebrate!  It is always so much fun to share our day with new faces.

During math we practiced adding and naming/exchanging coins when we played two-fisted penny addition (and/or subtration) to TWENTY!  We've gotten so good at adding to 10, we thought today would be a good day for a challenge.  We also had time to rotate through math stations where we created some amazing pattern block stencil designs and pictures.  First graders continuously impress me with their creativity and imagination.  They are always so proud of what they've created during this time, I can barely keep up with all of the requests to take photos of their work for the blog!  

 Colin, Tucker and Hannah add with dominoes

 Matthew, Ryan P. and Hailey play penny-fist addition

 Ryan B. and Gavin build a structure with Base 10 blocks and then tried to figure out how much it was "worth"

 Aaron, Joud and Trace practice telling time and making the clocks match flash cards

 Connor, Wallah and Ava make designs with pattern blocks

 Ryan drew a self-portrait with pattern block stencils

 Matthew created this creature

 Gavin shows his army truck made with pattern block stencils

 Ryan B. built this structure

 Gavin recreated the scene of the Titanic with rescue boats.

 Trace drew people

 as did Angie!

Ryan P. built this amazing building!

We have another math assessment coming up that will focus on counting by 2's and 5's and adding pennies and nickels together.  The more you can reinforce these ideas at home- the better!  

In writing today we started creating a Community Album book where we are recording all of the community people and places we have learned about.  We will start writing our very first story next week so we also created writing folders and filled them with tools to help us write.  These tools are an alphabet so we know how letters look and can check their sounds, and a series of charts that help us with sounds of letter combinations like, "sp", "ch", "th" and "br".

I have heard from so many of you that this blog makes you feel connected with your child's classroom and is directing your conversations about school with your child at home.  I couldn't be happier to hear this and am so glad this has become a positive tool for you and your families.   

We had another wonderful week in first grade.  Have a great weekend!          

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