Monday, October 22, 2012

Colchester Community Food Shelf

Today we watched a video created by students at Union Memorial School about the Colchester Community Food Shelf.  This week is our week to collect donations for the food shelf!  Please send in any non-perishable items you have to donate throughout this week.

This morning in SWR we added come to our red word list.  We also thought of words in the "__im" and "__in" families.  Next week in SWR we will have an assessment on our red words, word family words and how well we remember to uppercase the beginning of a sentence and put a period at the end of a sentence.  Any review you can do with red words at home will certainly be helpful.  (There is a list of all of our red words on the right-hand side of this blog!-------------------------------------------------------->)

In math we began discussing patterns.  We found patterns in our classroom and made patterns with popsicle sticks.  Many thanks to Ryan F. who figured out how to rotate the sticks on our smartboard!  (I think I'm officially "old" when the first graders can figure out technology quicker than I can - yikes!)  Continue to practice skip-counting by 2's, 5's and 10's with your student at home.  Remember to start from a variety of numbers.  Recording skip-counting on a number grid can show lots of neat number patterns!  Look for the Unit 3 family letter and math homework in your child's folder today. 

 Tucker and Angie work on a repeating pattern

 Colin and Trace work to continue their pattern

 Jordan and Matthew work on patterning

 The first graders use the pattern block templates to continue patterns in their workbooks.  They realized that triangles are tricky because you have to pay attention to which way they're pointing.

  We also learned a new card game!  Before or After.  You can play with a deck of playing cards at home.  Ask your first grader to teach you!   

In reading we worked with words, worked on our writing, came together in reading groups and read to ourselves.  Students should be reading at least 1 book per night on as part of their homework. 

Colin shows us his word family word work.

Our focus in writing this week is writing complete sentences.  All sentences should have a subject (the person or thing the sentence is about) and a predicate (what the person/thing does in the sentence.)  

We also started our unit on Mapping in social studies.  If you can, spend time with your first grader exploring google earth and google maps.  We google mapped directions from PPS to some of our houses today and we had so much fun!  We also mapped my steps in NYC over the weekend and found that I walked over 4.5 miles!  (Which explains the blisters on my feet...)  During our "tour" of NYC we visited lower Manhattan, Staten Island, and Liberty Island.  We *love* looking at pictures of the Statue of Liberty.

A note from one of our Room Parents:

On Friday, October 26th Porters Point School will be having a school-wide
celebration for PBIS to celebrate all of the great work the children have
been doing and to reward them for achieving the goals of PBIS.  It will take
place from 1:45-2:30 pm and will involve games played outside. Porters Point
School is looking for volunteers to help facilitate the games.  If you are
interested and can help starting at 1:30pm please contact Ava's mom Nini Fenton (PTO 1st Grade Rep.) at 862-4044.

What is PBIS?

Vermont Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (VTPBiS) is a
State-wide effort designed to help school teams form a proactive,
school-wide, systems approach to improving social and academic competence
for all students. Schools in Vermont are engaged in using a formal system of
positive behavioral supports in their schools. Involved schools who
implement PBIS with fidelity and integrity see a dramatic decrease in the
number of behavior problems experienced in their schools. Additionally,
students in these schools enjoy greater levels of support and inclusion than
those in comparative schools who do not use a system of Positive Behavioral
Interventions and Supports. Please visit the PPS PBIS blog at

If you have not already done so, you will need to complete a Volunteer
Registration Form, which can be downloaded at:

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