Monday, September 24, 2012

Monday Updates

Welcome to another week in first grade!

Today in S.W.R. we introduced the letters, "h" and "r" (j and p will be introduced tomorrow) and thought of words that begin with those sounds.  Our new red word of the week is my.  When we were writing our sentences we reviewed starting sentences with an uppercase letter and ending it with a period.  We also discussed that when we write names they are *always* uppercase.  

In math we started a new unit today.  Look for the family letter in you child's home-school folder.  We practiced using a number grid to count up and down.  Some first graders noticed that when you go up or down by 10, you can simply move up one square or down one square.  We also played "Roll for 50" to practice moving around a number grid.  We used the smartboard to play as a group before we played in partners.  The first graders noticed that we rolled 4 and 5 more than any other number.  When we played in partners the rules were slightly different and sometimes we had to move BACKWARDS on the number grid.  That was definitely *not* their favorite part.

 Gavin moves his marker up the grid
 And is so excited he's in the lead!

 Jordan and Summer take a turn to roll 

Aaron and Mark work together to play the partner version

During reading we practiced reading to ourselves.  We noticed that when we read to ourselves our voices are quiet, our eyes are on the page and we can use the pictures for clues.  We practice reading to ourselves because that is something we will do every day in first grade.  We are working to build reading stamina so we all become strong and fluent readers.

In writing we are working to sound out words by saying them slowly and S-T-R-E-T-C-H-I-N-G them out.  The first graders helped me write my grocery shopping list using this method this afternoon.  Saying the word slowly and stretching it out enables us to hear every part of the word and makes sure we don't miss a sound when writing it.  I cannot believe how much fun we had writing shopping lists! I'd be careful letting your child be in charge of groceries anytime soon because from what I learned today, the cart would be full of lunchables, bacon, ice cream and cookies.

In social studies we began discussing our families.  Next week we will move on to learning about our communities.  We would love to have members of our community come to our classroom to tell us about their job- if you are someone who would like to do that or know someone who would, please let me know.  There are all kinds of different community members and the more we can learn about, the better!

In other news, Jordan celebrated his awesome behavior with a fluffy friend on Friday.  Wallah and Joud went to a Saudi Arabian celebration over the weekend and Ava joined them- their parents sent in a photo of the girls enjoying themselves over the weekend.  We had indoor recess today which gave the first graders some free choice in the classroom.  Finally, the entire class ended the day at "Ready to Learn" today which is an awesome accomplishment!

 Jordan is very proud to have Ortiz join us at school!

 Wallah, Ava and Joud celebrate Saudi traditions

 Wallah, Summer and Joud show off their block castle

  Colin, Tucker and Connor use the Zoobs to defend a fort!


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