Thursday, September 27, 2012

Birthday Bonanza

Today was three of our first grade friend's birthday!  Avery, Jordan and Matthew all turned 7 years old today!  We had a wonderful time celebrating all of those birthdays!  They also loved seeing a birthday cake with candles AND tally marks on the Google homepage celebrating Google's birthday too!

Jordan and Avery- Matthew was out sick today!

In math we worked with tens-frames for the first time.  Tens frames help us recognize combinations that make 10. 

We noticed that when we labeled the tens-frames, as the first number goes UP, the second number goes DOWN:


Ryan B. helped us notice that no matter what numbers were combining, they all equaled or added up to 10!  We also played penny-fist addition (with combinations to 10), and completed math boxes in our math books for the first time.
During reading we practiced responding to reading.  When we read independently or with a partner, we are expected to respond to what we have read.  We can say what we liked or didn't like, a favorite part of the story or something that we are still wondering.  We read the story of Ping, a duck who finds himself in a little bit trouble...
The first graders enjoyed responding to this story and practiced what they were going to write by "EEKKing" with a partner.  When we "EEKK" we sit eye-to-eye and knee-to-knee so we can discuss our story.  

 Joud wrote, "I like the part when he went back home"

 Summer wonders, "Why did he get spanked?"

 Trace responded, "I liked when it said Ping had 42 cousins."

Ava wondered, "Why did the birds have rings around their necks?"

Aren't you so impressed with how well they're sounding out their words, and using uppercases/periods, and spacing?!?!
After responding to our story they requested to partner-read because they had so much fun doing that yesterday!

 Trace and Ryan P. had a great time sharing their favorite parts of the books they read!

Joud celebrated her awesome behavior by inviting Avery to have lunch with her and I in the classroom.      

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