Monday, September 10, 2012

Finally- Five Days!

I am so happy that we (finally!) have five, full days together at school!  We are beginning to settle into our daily routines and schedule and we (finally!) had Art for the first time this year.  A few parents have mentioned that they are reading this blog too- you made my day!  Please continue to read and share with your own families.  We love to share what we're learning and what's going on in our classroom.

This week in S.W.R. (Spelling, Reading, Writing) our focus is the "at" family.  We practiced those letters and sounds today and will build upon them all week.  Please help your first grader notice any "at" words you might come across during your time together. 

In math, we are comparing numbers using math vocabulary like "larger" and "smaller" and using tally marks to keep track of information.  The first piece of math homework went home this afternoon- check for it in your child's home-school folder.  

We read On Market Street today and designed people who represented ourselves with letters of our name.  For example, the class voted that for mine, "Meg was made of monkeys" and I had to fill my person with monkeys.  Some highlights were, Wallah being made of wind, Joud being made of jugs, Hannah being made of horses, Mark being made of money and Tucker being made of tops.

We also had our very first, official Writer's Workshop today.  We are still establishing expectations during this time but worked hard to write what we did at school today and draw a picture that showed it.  Your first graders are extremely impressive artists.  Look for the very first book they'll write in first grade on Friday- "My First Week."

Finally- we did have some celebrations today!  Ava used her playdough during our morning time, Avery decided to run our Morning Meeting and Trace brought his beloved "fluffy friend, " Chicobe.  (Trace... tell me tomorrow how to spell that correctly!)

Here are a few photos from these celebrations today:

     And of course, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about your first grader!  Have a great week!  

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