Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Art of Persuasion

Today we did a group activity in Writer's Workshop about persuasion.  We discussed what persuasion meant and how we might best persuade someone.  Then, we broke up into small groups and had to come up with a speech that would persuade our classmates to like a certain kind of candy the best!  The four choices were Starbust, Skittles, Kit Kats and Peanut Butter Cups.  The first graders loved coming up with convincing reasons as to why their candy was the best.  Check out their presentations and some of their notes:

In SWR today we had one final review before our test tomorrow.  We practiced red words and the important parts of sentences.  The students seem very ready for their test and are excited that they have the chance to earn 100 dots!!!! (If they don't make ANY mistakes...)

Today in math we learned about the dime.  We looked for differences between pennies, nickels and dimes and how we can tell them apart.  We also practiced counting by 10's, then 5's, then 1's.  We exchanged nickels and pennies for dimes.  The more practice your first grader can have with coins at home- the better!  Ask them to teach you about our dot trick for counting coins.

In reading today we read the book Vote

 We started a mini-unit on voting and the election and had a wonderful discussion our our upcoming Presidential election.  I think we have at least one future politician in our ranks- this student believes that, "we should all vote for Romney because Obama has not done the things he said he would and that's not right."  We discussed how there are two political parties (not like a birthday party!), and which candidates are affiliated with which party.  We talked about how it's okay to vote for different people and how everyone is allowed to choose the candidate that is right for them.  We also talked about how voting is a right that not everyone has.
Check out these awesome first graders working hard on their Daily 5:

 Hannah and Wallah partner read.

 Matthew works to build sentences with red words and word family words.

 Matthew and Colin partner read.

 Summer illustrates her story about school.

 Joud reads a story that is "just right".  

 Ava illustrates her story about her learning how to use the monkey bars.

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