Monday, November 12, 2012

Full of Thanks

This week we are discussing Thanksgiving and what it means to be thankful or appreciative.  We have lots of fun activities planned that the first graders will be so excited about!

In SWR this morning we introduced two new word families- "_ax" and "_ix".  Ax and Ix words can be VERY tricky because "x" sounds a lot like "cks" in tricks, sticks, and bricks.  Our new red word of the week is, is.  The first graders cannot believe such an "EASY" word is our red word of the week.

Our WOW word of the week is "stumble" or to trip or fall.  We discussed that it is a verb or an action word.  Some of us thought that you could stumble someone else, like trip them, but we talked about how you can really only stumble yourself.

This week, math is all about review!  We are practicing counting coins, telling time to the half-hour, adding two and three numbers together and using dominoes to add.  There is no math homework this week, but please make sure that your student is logging on to and playing some math games.  Also, use this time to practice skip-counting with your child and count coins!

These are first graders hard at work during math today:

 Trace adds the two parts of dominoes

 We told time to the hour and half-hour

 We designed and measured

 We counted coins

 Tucker uses the number grid to count up

 Summer used a ruler to make this blue jay

A group of students counts coins

During literacy we read a poem about the month of November and created beautiful chalk drawings of a fall tree.    We also read a story about the first Thanksgiving.

Summer and Ava joined me for lunch to celebrate Ava's awesome behavior!

In social studies we are finishing up our mapping unit.  We will spend this week wrapping up and completing a final activity. 

In writing our focus is being Thankful.  We will write a story and a poem about being thankful. 

Parent/Teacher conferences are next week!  The conference time you signed up for was sent home in your child's folder this afternoon.  Please make sure to check for that date and time.  I'm looking forward to seeing everyone next week. 

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