Thursday, November 8, 2012

Election Assembly

Wow!  I was so impressed with your first graders today- they practiced their line for our assembly so much at home last night.  We practiced more today and they are READY for tomorrow.  Of course, practicing a few more times tonight would be great.  Today, we practiced filling up a room with our voice.  We will be using a microphone tomorrow, but encourage your first grader to fill the room up with their voice when they read/say their line. 

Some families have inquired about our assembly tomorrow.  It is our school-wide morning meeting and (should) begin around 8:25 tomorrow morning.  These assemblies are meant to foster community at school, recognize outstanding student behavior, and share what we've been learning in our classrooms.  If you would like to attend our assembly tomorrow, please feel free!  We also decided that we would all try to wear something red/white/blue tomorrow for our very Presidential presentation.  (If we can remember...)

This morning in math we plotted a line graph for the first time and then counted combinations of dimes, nickels and pennies.  The addition of the dime to our coin combinations is very challenging. The students now need to remember the difference between three coins and how much they're worth.  Whenever you get a chance with your child, practice counting coins and talk about how much they're worth.

 Summer and Hannah count coins

 Ryan F. and Connor work together

 Colin and Wallah record their amounts

Mark is thrilled when he realizes he counted his coins correctly!

We read a story today in reading and discussed the problem and the solution.  The problem in this story was something many of us could relate to... noisy baby brothers!  The first graders loved hearing how Geraldine, the older sister, handled having a new baby in her house.

 Wallah builds a sentence with her connection to our story.

 And then encourages all of us to vote for her!

 Matthew works on a story

 Hannah reads a story to Hailey and Wallah

 Ryan B reads independently

 Trace and Joud do word work

Summer writes about electing a teacher for President...

We've started a 5-week Guidance session and the students love their time with Mr. Moses.  I left the room for a minute today... and walked in to this:

 Mrs. Palmer helping Mr. Moses- she is acting out a letter of the alphabet... can you guess which one?  The students played a version of charades and then Pictionary to get their bodies and minds ready for Guidance.  Check out these impressive drawings:

 Mark and Wallah draw their favorite season...

Connor and Summer draw their favorite season!

The Unit 3 math test went home in folders today.  As always, if you have any questions, please let me know!

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