Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Himalayas

Hannah G. led our morning meeting this morning to celebrate her awesome behavior and Gavin brought in fluffy friends to celebrate his.  We are so lucky to have so much awesome behavior in our room! 

We spent time reviewing in SWR today for our upcoming SWR test.  Words that end in "x" and plurals are still tricky for us.  The red words that we misspell the most are could, want, what, they and has.  If you could review these words with your first grader that would be awesome!  Also.... we're forgetting punctuation!  We have been working hard to re-read what we've written to make sure it's what we mean for it to be.

We reviewed in math for our Unit 6 test tomorrow.  We will be assessing: counting and distinguishing between the tens and ones places; using numbers and pictures to show equivalent numbers; knowing the value of and comparing coins using <, >, and =; and addition and subtraction facts.  The first graders worked so hard today and are excited and ready for their test.

In reading we read a Chinese legend about Mu Lan.  The students enjoyed this story because it was written in rhyming poetry form and because it had a girl as the hero and a general in the army.  We designed our favorite book covers and wrote a summary of the book on the back.  Look for your child's book in the hallway outside of our classroom the next time you're at school.  (There were a LOT of Star Wars as favorite books, naturally.) 
We boarded a train for the Himalayas during social studies and had an amazing time learning about them and Mount Everest.  We even watched as mountain climbers reached the peak of Mount Everest.  It was amazing!  Ask your first grader to tell you their favorite piece of information about Mount Everest. 

Tomorrow is another poetry cafe!  Feel free to join us if you're able at 2pm.  Please come with a poem to share with the class! 

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