Wednesday, February 6, 2013

100 Days

Whew!  It was a hectic one-hundredth day of school, but we really had a great time!  We started our day by exchanging all of our 10's for HUNDREDS!  What an exciting moment!

We were in the middle of our pre-test for SWR when we got a visit from ZERO THE HERO!  Do you know who that is?  He is a superhero (also known as our Superintendent) who LOVES the number zero!  He brought us doughnuts because... well... they look like zeroes!  We counted to 100 by ones, fives, and tens!  We were fabulous!

During math we had races to see who could get the highest number when setting our calculator to +1.  Joud won by pushing the +1 button 432 times in ONE MINUTE!  Can you believe it?  We graphed our results in a bar graph and analyzed the results.  We also reviwed using touchpoints to help us count coins.  If your child is struggling with counting coins ask them to tell you about the touch points.  Nickels get one, dimes get two, and quarters get 5.  Then, you count the dots by 5's and then the pennies by one.  If you would like more information about this- please let me know! 

After math, we played Race to 100 and filled out number grids to 100. Some of us were so motivated we filled out multiple hundred grids. 

At snack time, we practiced using (novice) chopsticks to eat our snacks.  We were SO good!

During literacy we wrote the letters in our names on a 100 grid and colored them in.  We noticed many patterns about our own first names.  We also wrote 100 words that we know!  Wow!

We traveled to the Great Wall of China in social studies today and had a fabulous time.  We walked around, learned more about how and why it was built and recorded our new learning in our China folders.  We are anxious to head to the panda habitat soon. 

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