Wednesday, March 13, 2013

More Than Ten 10's

Today Tucker led SWR to celebrate his good behavior.  He led us through our red words and helped dot all of the correct spellings of all of our words.  We are enjoying writing words with diagraphs and realize that we can spell so many more words now! 

In math we've started to exchange more than ten 10's for 1 hundred.  We practiced naming numbers with base-10 blocks and practiced exchanging with partners.  It got very tricky when the numbers weren't in order like, "I have 2 ones, 4 tens, and 2 hundreds.  What number am I?"  (242) It was even HARDER when we had more than ten 10's, "I have 3 hundreds, 14 tens and 8 ones.  What number am I?"  (448)  We will continue to work on this for the rest of the week. 

We read more of Little House on the Prairie today and completed chapter 1.  We are learning so much about how people traveled before cars and roads.  We are also learning new words like, jolt, sway, mule and hitch.  We saw an older version of a ferry that the family used to cross the Missouri River- we loved that!  It was just a raft!  We also read our poem together and individually.

In our reading groups we are continuing to work on a variety of skills.  One group is figuring out words with multiple meanings as they read Amelia Bedelia; one group is thinking deeper about non-fiction texts as they read about Animal Helpers; a third group is working on reading with expression, and how to figure out words that you can't sound out while they read Bowling at Home; and the final group is learning about animals as pets in A Leash for Sandy. 

Summer and Ryan P. joined me for lunch in the classroom to celebrate their behavior!

In writing we are coming up with ideas for a text we will publish about China or animals.  Today we discussed the various ways that different animals can move.  We sorted animals based on how they move their bodies. 

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