Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Dollar, Dollar Bills

We added "ch" to the digraphs we're working with this week in SWR.  We loved that we thought of a word that starts AND ends with "ch".  Can you guess what it is?  Ask your first grader if you can't think of it!  We practiced using collaborate in sentences as well and we noticed that you usually collaborate with someone to achieve a task or goal. 

Now that we have finished Year of the Panda, we started our new read aloud: Little House on the Prairie.  Some of us had seen a show or heard of the book, but most of us have no idea what to expect!  So far we have learned that they travel by wagon and are leaving for Kansas from Missouri.  This book has 23 chapters and 335 pages... we cannot BELIEVE we're reading a book that is so long.  We are so excited! 

In math we added dollars to our classroom banks.  Now, we can exchange even more than we were before.  We discussed how many pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters were in 1 dollar.  We also discussed how to "read" money and how to write it correctly.  We talked about the decimal point and its job and we tried to brainstorm what items we could buy for $1.  For the very first time, we had to show money with dollars.  It was fun to show $3.49 with dollars.  (And a lot quicker!)

In reading today we read a story about three mischievous leprechauns.  They got into lots of trouble.  We also learned about the story of the leprechauns, where they orginated from (Ireland), and what their job is.  We created leprechaun art projects and we wrote about times that we feel lucky.

In writing we are continuing to learn about non-fiction texts.  

We learned about animal habitats in science.

Your child's poem is in their folder today! Sorry it's a day late!  

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