Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Greater Than, Less Than, Equal to, Same As...

In SWR today we had a sentence that was worth 36 dots- our greatest amount of dots to date!  It was a 7 word sentence with a name, one plural and it was a QUESTION!  Can you believe all of those things we had to remember to do?!?!?!  (Neither could the first graders... :) )

In math we learned how to compare numbers using the symbols < > and =.  We learned four different strategies to remember what the symbols mean.  Ask your child to tell you their favorite!  I was so impressed with how well the students did with this activity.  They loved playing Greater Than, Less Than Top It with our Math Deck. 

During reading today we responded to a writing prompt, "I would make an excellent reindeer because..." and we completed an art project to go along with that.  The results are pretty funny.  Look for them on the wall when you come to school this week. 

We read more of Mr. Popper's Penguins.  It is so hard to stop reading because we are so curious about what is going to happen next!  I was out to dinner with a friend recently and mentioned that we were reading this book in our class.  Her brother-in-law is an oceanographer who is, at this very minute, in Antartica studying the ocean!  She sent him our email address at school and he sent along real photos from his travels in Antartica!  We have seen amazing pictures of penguins, skua, ice glaciars and science stations.  It is amazing what you can learn by simply sharing information with those around you.  

A few conversations have come up at school regarding the tragic events in Newtown, CT.  We have discussed what happened as a class and reveiwed the safety procedures we have in place that are designed to keep us safe at school.  I have asked the students to refrain from discussing this when there is not an adult invovled in the conversation.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding this, please don't hesistate to contact me.  As a way to honor those lives that were lost last week, we have a goal to commit 26 acts of kindness.  We started today and are so excited to continue this good work.  If you would like to commit acts of kindness with your student, please do!  Send in a note and your child can add the act to our list in our room.

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